LitShare is a collaborative literature storage app that simplifies the process of managing and sharing research papers. With LitShare, you can conveniently store, organize, and collaborate on research projects and their associated documents.


User Authentication: LitShare allows you to create an account, log in, and log out securely. Your research data is protected, and you have control over who can access your projects.

Project Creation: Create new projects to categorize your research papers. Each project can hold multiple research papers, making it easy to stay organized.

Research Paper Management: Add, edit, and delete research papers within your projects. For each paper, you can store essential information such as the title, authors, publication date, and more.

Collaboration: LitShare shines in collaborative research environments. Share your projects with colleagues, teammates, or anyone you want. Collaborators can view and contribute to your projects, including adding and commenting on research papers.

Preview the app

Projects page, view all projects.
Inside a project, you can see all added papers.
For each paper, you can view citation details and even write comments!

(App not currently deployed) Repository